Technology Center

I. Internet

While the Internet (World Wide Web) provides much helpful information for research, it also contains material, which is misleading, inaccurate, offensive and obscene.  The library cannot control such material.  Each user must control it individually, or parents must control it for minor children.

II. Before Using the Internet

  1. User must have a current library card with no outstanding fees.
  2. Each user must agree to follow policy.
  3. Parents must sign for children younger than 18 for them to use the computer.
  4. Children under 12 must also have a parent monitor their computer/Internet use.
  5. Instruction in using the Internet is not provided.

III. Use of Internet

  1. Computers are available for one hour on a first come, first served basis.
  2. If no one is waiting for use after one hour of use, a patron may obtain another hour of use, not to exceed two hours.
  3. Printing (black ink only) may be done at the cost of .10 cents per page.
  4. Patrons may not use their own software programs.
  5. No more than two persons may be allowed at one computer at one time.
  6. Accessing text and graphics which may be construed as obscene are not permitted.  Such use will prohibit further use of the computer.
  7. The library does not provide e-mail accounts.  Accessing e-mail accounts located elsewhere is permitted.
  8. Filtering will be provided for all internet-abled computers used by staff or patrons.  The Library is not responsible for the failure of a filter to block an offensive site nor is responsible for its circumvention by users.

IV. Legalities

All federal, state and local laws remain in effect.  Patrons/users of computer/Internet must not:

  1. –misrepresent self by access code, password or signature; or using Library resources to post or distribute profane, unlawful or hate speech;
  2. –invade the privacy of or harass others;
  3. –alter hardware or software;
  4. –make copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data;
  5. –use the Internet for any illegal activity, i.e. viruses, hacking, etc.
  6. –accessing or distributing obscenity, child pornography or anything harmful to minors.
  7. –divulging any personal identification information regarding minors.

V. Policy Compliance

    Patrons found not adhering to these policies will be given one warning.  On the occurrence of the second offense, privileges will be suspended for one week.  If a third offense occurs, the patron will be suspended from computer use indefinitely. Reinstatement may be requested by the patron to the Library Director and/or Library Board of Trustees.